
In order to be considered for membership in the American Chamber of Commerce in Uzbekistan, prospective applicants are required to complete the membership application and submit three recommendation letters from existing members of the chamber.

AmCham benefits:

  • As the leading association of foreign and local business in Uzbekistan, we seek to be the foremost facilitator and advocate of our members by advanced dialogue with the government of Uzbekistan. We ensure that our members are heard at the highest levels of government.
  • The American Chamber of Commerce in Uzbekistan stands as an open forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and experience for doing business in Uzbekistan. Each year we organize numerous events to connect and promote members and provide opportunities for them to expand their businesses and their networks.
  • We work closely with the GoU and USA at promotion of Uzbekistan as an attractive business destination.
  • Globally, AmCham is a powerful business network represented in 108 countries around the Globe. AmCham network represents interest of over 3 000 000 companies worldwide. AmCham in Uzbekistan is affiliated member of U.S. Chamber of Commerce.