
The Spanish Chamber of Commerce in South Africa has the following 5 Membership Category options:


WHITE FLAG : (1 – 3 applicant & parent company employees) R 3,500.00 per annum

BLUE FLAG : (4-50 application & parent company employees) R 7,000.00 per annum .

RED FLAG : (51-250 applicant & parent company employees) R 13,500.00 per annum

GOLD FLAG : (251-1000 applicant & parent company employees) R 23,800.00 per annum

PLATINUM FLAG* (>1000 applicant & parent company employees) R 38,00.00 per annum

Please note that the total number of employees used to determine membership categories is the total of applicant and parent company employees globally.

The membership category of the applicant will be subject to approval of the SCC's Board of Directors after the necessary due diligence and verifications are completed.