

AsBAA's mission is to represent the needs of its members and the wider industry through its three core pillars: Advocacy, Representation and Community. We actively Advocate the benefits of business aviation to key stakeholders such as Government, transport ministries and the media. We Represent the interests of all sectors of the business and general aviation industry across the region, and we create a Community in which our members can network, access B2B opportunities and tackle common issues with greater collective influence.


AsBAA is a non-profit, member led organisation. We work with our members to represent their needs, advocating the benefits of business and general aviation to key stakeholders including government, industry and the media. AsBAA also provides a community for our members to access a broad B2B network in Asia. Through AsBAA, members can showcase their professional profiles at a number of speaking opportunities around the region. Members can also access opportunities to promote the member company's brand through a series of complimentary and (optional) paid marketing services.

  • Aviation Industry Professionals, Pilots & Engineers
    12 months
    Package price

    For any individual, not representing a company, who is engaged in aviation business, commerce, trade or the industry; subject to confirmation and approval.

    凡不代表公司从事航空业务、商业、贸易或工业的个人,经确认和批准,均可成为其个 人成员。

  • AsBAA Discovery
    12 months
    Package price

    AsBAA Discovery (student and careers chapter) is a CSR initiative run by volunteers and AsBAA members in partnership with educational institutions in Asia. AsBAA Discovery educates young people on careers in business and general aviation in order to nurture the industry's future talent stream. Through this platform, members can share their expertise with students around the region, promoting the industry and nurturing it for the future. AsBAA Discovery

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